Good afternoon, everyone! How are you? How's your week going?

Today we come to inform you about the back pain you can feel when you get up, because you don't sleep on a mattress that is close to your needs.

The back pain you may be suffering from can be a sciatic problem.  Sciatica is a radiculopathy that appears when any of the sciatic nerves are compressed. This structure is formed in the lumbar spine, and after the union of several nerves it runs through the buttock towards the lower limb. When it is inflamed, it is normal to feel pain from the lumbar area towards a member. This pain may increase during sleep, especially if the position is on your back, due to excessive compression of the nerve.

You used to like bedtime to relax and unwind, but overnight you no longer have to go to bed. Now, every time you go to bed it's like torture, let alone getting up. It is possible that your back is more delicate, or that the mattress you have does not support it properly. A mattress doesn't get damaged overnight, but it can stop working for you. If sleeping no longer gives you relief but is extremely annoying, it means that something is wrong with the mattress. Your muscles are getting too tight, which causes pain, the pain makes you sleep less and sleeping less aggravates the symptoms. The best solution is to change the mattress and adapt it to your body. Consider buying a specific back pain mattress. It adapts to your body and anatomy, and solves the cause of your back pain.

The solution to this problem is the fantastic water mattresses that you can find on our website. We have a personalized customer service so that each of our clients can find the waterbed that best suits their situation and health condition.


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